Hi, Thank you for passing by my corner on the internet.
My name is Vinh. I'm founder of Opty, a manage DevOps company that provide consulting service for companies on all things about infrastructure and security: ci/cd, observability, performance, security and complaiance etc. Get in touch: vinh@getopty.com
Beside that, I build SaaS app: Mailwip, an email forwarding service that is fast and reliable, Magicbloom. It monitors social media site and alert you when your keyword got mention.
I also create open-source software: ec2.shop, bima, endhouse.
Every monday, I also send out a newsletter call BetterDev, with links that help you become a better developer. You should subscribe.
Need inspiration for a landing page, check out my friend's website lapa.ninja.
2020 Feb 14
59 words
2017 May 25
117 words
2017 May 11
259 words
2017 Mar 10
55 words
2016 Dec 21
318 words