About Me

Thank you for visiting my corner. I’m Vinh, father of a girl and a boy, husband and programmer.

I loves math, programming, manga and poem. I work on infrastructures and developer tools. My code are used by developer for monitoring, debugging, inspecting purpose. My works is to help other developer build better tools by building tool.

I have been developing software professionally since 2008. Being a generalist, I can chime in and work across stack: front-end, back-end, mobile, devops, whatever it takes to get the product success. I used React a lot but venturing out into Svelve recently.

I’m interested in programming languages, compiler and intepreter design, the core fundamental of computer like CPU, Network. I have strong opinion on how to make software.

I write to learn more about a subject, and to share with the world, hope it will help some fellow programmer a couple minutes of their time.

I believe that programming is the best way for the poor to escape poverty. It requires minimal capital to invest in equipments, yet deliver an vast amount of power to run the web.

I runs a newsletter call BetterDev, a weekly newsletter with links about programming, video, some code repos to read and dev tools. You should subscribe.


I run a small DevOps consultancy, focus specially on AWS, GCP, and Kubernetes but I can help anyone. I’m very proud of my unique skill in Infrastructure and Coding skill so I can work on anything.

My years of experience shipping software that require high uptime bring me an opportunity to learn about building resilient softwares and applied it to my client work


I build SaaS to scratch my own itches first, and eventually release to the world.


Mailwip is an email forwarding solution that allow you to points your domains to our MX server and configure as many as mail alias as you want. Support webhook, email to blog, complicated regex routing and serverless email processing


Magicbllom enables you to monitor site like Reddit, Hacker News and get alert when someone mention a keyword. If you are also a SaaS founder, definetely consider using my service to promote your app whenever someone mention the relevant subject or keyword.

Open source

  • ec2.shop API to check EC2 prices and compare spot, on-demand, reserve price.
  • Baja Static Site generator which generates this site
  • Bima An offline first, end to end encryption MFA app. Like Google Auth, Auth but 10x better.
  • Endhouse Job Schedule like GCP Cloud Run cron.yaml