BridgeJoy - my charity foundation

Written at 2024 Jul 27

in slice-of-line

145 words

bridgejoy charity

One night, my wife introduce me to this video, the most dangeou way to school

That’s night, a part inside me die. Watching the kid pushing the container across the river, where they cannot swim, knowing had they fell, it is end game. Why would life need to be that hard.

Brave isn’t doing something scary. Brave is doing something that you scare off.

These kids has dream.

One of the kid said: “I will give up my dream if I can have a bridge”.

Time to time, I give random donations here and there, but they are systematic, they aren’t the right approach. I give because I feel bad for them. Sometimes it works out for the person. Sometime it doesn’t.

I want to change. I want to help, I want to build a system to help.

So that’s the idea of bridgejoy foundation.