Today I encountered this error during running Puma in Dockerm, using official 2.3 Ruby image.
Cannot assign requested address - bind(2) for "::1" port 3000 (Errno::EADDRNOTAVAIL)
Google search found out that and a fixed in
However, the fixed wasn’t working for me. The core of issue is somehow even the docker container doesn’t support ipv6 but we have an entry like this:
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
in host file. This #1318 supposed to fixed it. It seems the issue caugh by webpack dev server as well besde Puma. At that point, I was frustrated and just try to find a way to disable ipv6 in docker container.
If you’re using docker compose you can add this line to disable ipv6,
hence remove the ::1
entry from host file:
net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6: 0